

ohmygod. You know, life sure is funny sometimes. You can decide anything you want, plan it, prepare for it, and than in an instant everything changes. Like this trip. It's a dream of mine, yes. But as I mentioned before, I'm also running.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point is the trip will have to be delayed a bit.

Because with the money earned from selling the home, Mom has offered to help pay for my cosmetic surgery.

I can't believe it.

On the one hand I'm thrilled, of course. This is a giant step closer to where I want to be. But on the other hand, I feel so guilty for her having to spend that much money on me.

There was one aspect of my trip that I didn't mention. I found a college I want to go to overseas, which will be the final destination of my trip. I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone- Travel and College. So this trip will still happen, because I really want to get out of the whole community college stuff and get off to a good school.

At least now I'll be doing it the way I want.

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