

The Eternal Sleep of the Blogger

Haven't been posting much here lately. But haven't you heard?

Blogs are Dead!

Well, some of us are still clinging to life as we limp along. But I do wonder about the time I spend writing these stream of consciousness entries. Not much of this stuff is even TG Related anymore- it's just Me.

I have been pretty active on Twitter as of late, since I re-downloaded the iPhone app. I resisted at first, and then tried it out for a bit before quitting. But maybe reading that Wired article has polarized me- Twitter might not be the future, but it's a start. I can already see how easy it is to post an entry during a quick break or "in the Moment", as I did when I was dealing with a rowdy guest last night.

As others are doing, I'll keep this relic around for long form writing, when I have some great enlightenment to bestow upon the public. For now, I need to update my Facebook and get it going- something else I dislike but apparently is important to have as we Trek into the Future.

And for a preview of what to expect from my 'Tweets', I leave you with this:


P.S. This isn't a Good-Bye or a Blog Closure Announcement or anything. I'll still try to post regularly- I'm sure there will be something that gets my Goat that requires more than 140 characters to vent.

1 comment:

Michal said...

Please stay!! :(

Some people aren't mentally fast enough to keep up with the increasingly multitasking world and like reading more than 140 characters at a time.

I could imagine the effort that goes into each post though, and that it might be weird to have a public life in a sense. I'll respect whatever you choose to do.